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14:00-16:00 Panel 3 | Hegemonies and Heritage

Venue: Laue-Saal

Speakers (Online Panel)

    • Prof. Dr Yoshimi Shun'ya (Faculty of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, Tokyo University, Japan)
    • Prof. Dr. Pak Tae-gyun (Modern Korean History, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea): A rediscovery of Modern East Asia in Connectivity with the World History
    • Prof. Dr. Laurent Chircop-Reyes (Chinese Studies, D2iA, Université Bordeaux Montaigne): Martial Arts and Cultural Heritage

    Discussant/Moderation: Urs Matthias Zachmann (History and Culture of Modern Japan, Freie Universität Berlin)



Prof. Dr. Laurent Chircop-Reyes (Chinese Studies, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, D2iA): Martial Arts and Cultural Heritage

Chinese martial arts are traditionally transmitted through the private master-disciple relationship. In recent years, some masters have been expressing their concern about the desuetude of their art, which calls into question the confidential modes of transmission and what is held to be orthodox in it. Concurrently, intangible cultural heritage (ICH) taken by a wide range of social actors, including the masters, attempts to evaluate practices and perpetuate lineages. Taking an esoteric martial art of Shanxi Province (China), this presentation aims at discussing on the constraints and balance arising from efforts to preserve cultural integrity, on the one hand, and engaging in evaluation and standardisation processes, on the other.